
IFRS 17 For Insurance Contracts

BENEFITS OF ATTENDING THIS INTERACTIVE THREE-DAY TRAINING WORKSHOP. With more and more countries adopting the IFRS as their accounting standards (almost over 140 countries) and also due to regular revisions and replacement of existing standards & principles, you must continue to develop your conceptual and practical understanding of IFRSs. If you intend to use IFRS [...]

Online-Advanced Procurement Workshop

TOPICS TO BE COVERED Drafting Bidding Documents for Works,Goods and Consultancy Services Drafting Solicitation Documents for Works,Goods and Consultancy Services Drafting Evaluation Criteria and Worksheets for Works & Consultancy Services Writing Bid Evaluation Reports Drafting Procurement Committee Papers Drafting Procurement Committee Minutes Drafting Standard Contracts for Works & Consultancy Contracts Drafting Standard Contract Award Letters [...]

Online-Practical Stores Management Workshop


TOPICS TO BE COVERED Responsibilities and Functions of the stores Inventory Planning,Monitoring and control Valuation of Stock Stores accounting an stock taking Warehouse operations: receiving;custody,issues and dispatch Safety,security and health in stores Dealing with scrap,obsolete and surplus materials Performance management in stores   PARTICIPANTS The training will provide hands-on stores management skills for stores,warehouse and […]

Online-Insurance Agents Course


Zambia College of Pensions and Insurance Trust is offering Online-Insurance Agents Course in collaboration with Virtualsity E-learning Academy. The course is approved by the Pensions and insurance Authority(PIA) and is the pre-requisite qualification for one to practice as an insurance agents   PARTICIPANTS: Individuals working in the insurance industry Bankers selling insurance related-products. Brokers and […]

Non-Life Underwriting and Claims Handling

This programme aims towards enabling the participants to: Setting the underwriting policy for those products Establish the price and managing the exposures Understand intricacies of claims settlement Importance of quality management in claims management Claims estimating and reserving Handling fraudulent claims Handling claims related litigation Handle claims related complaints towards ultimate satisfaction of customers. Participants: [...]

Motor Assessors Competence Course


The Zambia College of Pensions and Insurance Trust (ZCPIT) is pleased to announce the introduction of the Motor Assessor’s Course, the first training of its kind to be conducted by any institution in Zambia and the sub region (excluding South Africa)  Over the years, investors in the motor and insurance market looking to enter the […]

Competence Course in Pension Administration and Management

The Zambia Association of Pension Funds (ZAPF) is an association comprising of public and private pension fund managers, administrators, custodians,pension lawyers and other scheme advisors. The Association was called Zambia Association of Pensions Fund Managers (ZAPFM) until September 2009 when it changed its name to Zambia Association of Pension Funds (ZAPF). The change was necessitated [...]

Diploma in Human Resource Management (Copperbelt University)

Diploma in Human Resource Management The Diploma in Human Resource Management is offered in conjunction with the Copperbelt University. Registration to Copperbelt University and administration of the course is through Zambia College of Pensions and Insurance Trust. The Diploma awarded upon successful completion of the course bears the seal of the Copperbelt University. The diploma [...]


The Zambia College of Pensions and Insurance Trust (ZCPIT) is a TEVETA registered college, created by a consortium of the Zambian Insurance & Pension Associations and Bodies, namely PIA, IIAZ, ZAPF, IBAZ and IAZ. Courses we conduct are Full-time, Part-time & Distance Learning.


The Student Registration Officer
P.O Box 30353, Lusaka
Zamsure Sports Complex. Off Nangwenya Road.
E-mail: [email protected][email protected]
Mobile:  +260 979 446 457/ 0954 848 128


The Student Registration Officer

P O Box 71727, Ndola
Provident House, Fourth Floor, Corner of Broadway and Moffat Road.
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +260 966 880924